21 luglio 2011

friends, friends, friends...

Hi all, this is a brief post in English as I mainly have to tell about English good friends.

Yesterday I decided to take a day off work and spend the entire day with Mirko as he was really missing me after my trip to Bacelona, and we decided to go to Sheffield to meet a very good "old" friend of mine who used to live in M'cr when I was there.

We haven't seen each other in the last 5 years and I have to admit that things are very different now... We are not thirtysomething Chorlton-salsa-Cornerhouse-noWorries-parties-circuitTraining-fiendsFromAroundTheWorld guys anymore. Children and time changed a lot of things. Nevertheless I felt the same trust and closeness of long time ago.

She is now married with a beautiful daughter, but is the same kind person she used to be, and I was really happy to be there. We chatted a little bit of all the people we knew, and hopefully will be able to organize a get together with some more people, maybe next year. It was a very short visit as I had to squeeze a lot of things in these 3 weeks and I also wanted to work a little bit, but I'm very glad I managed.

I feared of getting too emotional going there, given that she reminds me of Manchester, but things went well and I left Sheffield really happy. Mirko was quite nice and quiet, and we played a lot on the train going there ad back. I was also happy to see Manchester from the train. Dinsgate, Oxford road, the BBC Manchester, MMU, the Uni of Manchester, Urban splash... A part of me wanted to tell Mirko everythig about it, but I coudn't. I'm not that strong still... I was happy to see these things, but just passing by on a train. I still can't talk about it: the church were we got married, our first house... things that still hurt a bit. "It would be odd if you were perfectly all right." That's what Paivi said and she's wise as always :)

At 6pm I was back to Valli's place in West Kirby. Dinner with another good friend. A secretary who used to work in the dept when I was there. I can't say we are exactly fiends but she's an incredibly interesting person and is very supportive and kind, and I enjoyed the evening.

We got back home at around midnight and straight to bed, as Mirko was feeling tired.

Today it was work work work... Trying to finish things with Valentina.
Dinner in an Indian restaurant with Michela. Mirko was not easy to convince as he was worried of not finding anything he liked but we managed.

Tomorrow is the last day at work.

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